Solve a Rubik's Cube your own.

Hey everyone! I am going to teach you how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube very easily.


There wouldn't be any one who had tried solving a rubik's cube.But usually that terminates in a great faliure.Right?Most of us can solve one side but when we try to solve the other the first one also be scrambled.Yes the truth is that we ourself can't solve one without any help.Now don't worry I am here to help u.It will be a bit long but I am sure u guys will understand to solve it easily.

UBefore starting u should understand about a Rubik's Cube.Never mind!I know,no one is interested at this part so I am skipping  it.Atleast remember that we are going to solve a 3 x 3 cube.
Remember:All problems Can be solved

Without delay take the cube in your hand and follow the steps:

Step 1:Take any side which u like to solve first. It can be green, orange, red, white or yellow, any color u prefer. Now take the opposite side of the side you preferred ,that means if you like to solve white take the opposite side of it ,which is yellow and vice-versa.If u like to solve red then take the orange side, Green-Blue likewise.(Don't think I'm mad this is the right way to do).Hope u had choosed one I am taking orange which means I have to start with red.
Notice the central piece of the color u choosed, for me it's red now align all the orange pieces around it and create a cross like this.
Fig 1.

Now align the vertical color to one below it like in the picture below.U have to do this for all the colors.
Fig 2

(Remember to hold the solving face of the cube always up)
As I took red I have to pair blue with blue, green with green, yellow with yellow and white with white but u guys do it according to the side u choosed. 
OK hope u guys got up to here.Once we finish pairing the colours we have to move the crosscubes back to its orginal colour for me I have to move cross oranges back to the central piece orange and have to make a cross around it.Remember not to destroy the paired one.
Its a bit hard to explain but see the Fig 3 then u will understand what I meant.
Fig 3

Fig 3
Ok after completing up to this part u have to do some more moves.Dont worry only this first portion is lengthy..

To be continued......


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