How to make tomato chutney at your home

Kitchen Zone


Hello everyone welcome to my first blog.In this blog I want to teach you how to make tomato chutney at your home.I am not a pro in cooking but I like cooking.You guys should try making this.It's way too simple and this dish tastes amazing. 

Here are the list of things you need:
  • Tomato                                             3,cut in medium pieces.
  • Onion                                               1,cut in small pieces
  • Garlic                                               3 pieces.
  • Ginger                                              1/3 of a full normal ginger
  • Green  chillies                                  2 chillies
  • Curry leaves                                     4 leafs.
  • Mustard                                            1 table spoon
  • Coconut oil                                       1 small bowl
  • Salt                                                    1 table spoon
  • water                                                 1\2 glass of pure water.
      pretty simple things right?☺

Kitchen utensils required:

  • Frying pan
  • Metal Spoon
  • Grinder
  • Gas Stove                                                                                      /Careful while using stove
  • Serving bowl
Follow my steps:

Step 1:Grab the frying fan put it on the stove and adjust the flame to medium.Once the pan is hot enough pour coconut oil and allow it to boil.Add mustard in it.Wait for the mustard to blast.☺

Step 2:Now add ginger,garlic,onion,chillies and curry leaves.Fry them until they become pale brown.

Step 3:Add tomatoes to the mixture and fry for 3 minutes.

Step 4:Move the mixture from frying pan to the grinder.Add salt and grind it until it becomes paste.

Step 5:Add half glass of warm pure water to it.

Step 6:Move it into the Serving bowl.

It tastes best with Indian Dosa.
Add salt according to your will.
Add a bit of chilli powder to make it more spicy.

Try this at your home I am 100% sure everyone will like it.
Don't forget to comment your ideas and suggestions.

Thank you!.

Posting as The Boy


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